Sunday, November 21, 2010

Review: Stone

I was looking forward to seeing this movie for a few reasons:

1. Nobody plays a psychotic/sociopath prison like Edward Norton. Just watch Primal Fear if you have any doubts.

2. I've been a fan of Robert DeNiro since 1978's The Deer Hunter

3. Milla Jovovich is definitely under rated as an actress and even though she's been is a slew of movies, she's unfortunately tagged with being the Resident Evil bitch

I was in the mood for a good movie.. one that I could really wrap my head around and mentally invest myself in.

DeNiro plays Jack, a parole officer a few weeks shy of retirement. One of his last cases is Stone, an 8 year inmate played by Edward Norton.

Doing time for setting his grandparent's house on fire after his cousin kills them, Stone is bugging to be paroled and enlists his wife, Jovovich to help by contacting Jack.

The movie starts with a lot of questions and never quite seems to answer them to my satisfaction, at least.

Was Jovovich's actions the initial intent?
Is Stone's new found religion a ploy?

There are a lot of subplots that are never really fully integrated into the story line. The opening scene shows a young Jack threatening to throw his child out a second floor window after his wife says she's leaving him. That scene is never discussed again and gives no insight to psyche.

The film ends with even more questions and while sometimes film that do that, do that well.. I was left feeling like I spent a few hours mixing up puzzle pieces only to lose one in the mix.

Or this may be the kind of film that you have to watch a few times to really get it's meaning.. I'll have to get back to you on that.

If you do see it, let me know what you think. Maybe I missed something. I hope so because it would be a shame to have let all that talent go to waste.


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