Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Review: Easy A

Emma Stone plays Olive .. one of those witty, snarky high school girls that you really don't appreciate until you're seated next to them at a high school reunion and you think, Damn.. why wasn't I friends with you then!

Look.. I'll be honest with you.. if you have half a brain you're going to know how the movie turns out as soon as it begins... but if you just sit back and roll with it, you're going to laugh your ass off. It's hard to decide which line is the funniest because there were so damn many and I'm not going to spoil any of it for you.. so don't ask.

I will say that Olive gets herself into situation when she lies and says she's hanging out with a college boy because she wants to get out of a camping trip with her best friend and her family.

Classic scene. Do NOT miss the camping scene!

BFF's being BFF's.. she kept pushing Olive for details and so Olive does what every high school girl does when backed into a locker .. lies. Makes up this over the top story about what went on which, of course, is over heard by the school's Queen of Christianity.. Mariane.

Amanda Bynes' Mariane is nothing short of a trip. I always liked her as an actress and this part was just over the top enough to make me forget that silly little kids movie she did a while back.

Unfortunately for Emma Stone, the movies also stars Stanley Tucci and Patricia Clarkson as her parents and Lisa Kudrow as the school's councilor. The three should be charged with burglary because they steal every scene they're in .. especially because I am of an age where I could have a daughter in high school. Really.. can you imagine me as a parent? Yea.. well.. take that thought and apply it to Olive's parents.

The script is just smartly written.. better then I thought it was going to be.. so definitely worth a trip to the theater with popcorn AND the 15 buck mega meal!

It's that good.

Definitely two thumbs up!

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