Thursday, October 28, 2010

Review: The Human Centipede




You know how someone tells you that you should watch something and you're all like, ".. yea, cool, I'll have to check it out."

But then someone ELSE immediately responds and says OMG!! DO NOT WATCH IT!!

And then you're all like OMG! I HAVE TO WATCH IT NOW.


So the next time that happens to you? RESIST THE URGE! Trust on that one.

Because that's exactly what happened when someone told me to check this movie out and then someone else told me not to because there are things that cannot be "unseen" ... no truer words have been spoken.

I have never seen anything so sick.. or depraved.. or stomach turning.. or so.. so.. so.. omg.. it's just sick.

If you haven't guessed already, this movie is about a doctor who decides to create a human centipede. Think ass to mouth here, not just adding arms or legs to one person. So you have the obligatory young American females trolloping through Germany by themselves.. and yknow.. of course they get lost at night in dense German woods and get a flat tire. There's also a Japanese guy that came from who knows where.. and they all finds themselves down the basement of this doctor's house getting their shit cut up to be all sewn together.

There's a lot of awfully sick shit in here.. literally and figuratively .. so honestly, I'm not going to tell you to watch it,, not going to tell you not to..

I'm only going to say that I warned you!

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