Monday, October 25, 2010

Recap: Teen Mom Season 2

Who would have thought that MTV's 16 and Pregnant would have been so successful that they created a spin off, Teen Mom.

Who would have thought that THAT would have been so successful that they filmed a second season?

Possibly a third but the jury is still out on it.. I've heard yes.. I've heard no.. but considering that there is at least 1 baby out there in desperate need of proper care, then I can't imagine the mom's not wanting the bank from MTV.

At any rate, this is one of those shows that you can't help but watch. Young girls should watch it to take the romance out of having a baby .. young boys should watch it to educate them that a rubber is ALOT cheaper then a baby.. and people my age watch it because it's almost like a train wreck.


Maci is probably the only mom that has her shit together. Her son, Bentley, couldn't be more adorable.. couldn't be more loved.. couldn't have a mom that is taking her job seriously and knows that her decisions are about HIM .. not HER.

Bentley's father, Ryan, is your typical teen age father. Although once engaged, Ryan continued being the typical teen age father and hung out with his friends, went to clubs, etc. Macy broke the engagement and after a serious merry go round of make-up / break-up Maci finally moved on. This season found her in transition.

Living with her parents but feeling at times that they were a little TOO involved.. reconnecting with a childhood friend (Kyle) that formed into more then just a friendship, Maci decided to make a bold move and relocated two hours away from her hometown.

Of course, Ryan wasn't thrilled with that and with prompting from his girlfriend and parents, petitioned for a formal visitation schedule. Maci took that as a slap in the face and I don't blame her. Here's a kid who never wanted to be bothered and now, all of a sudden, he wants to be Father Of The Year?

As Maci said, ".. I want to keep you away from him but I can't keep him away from  you". See? Girlfriend got her shit together.

Regardless of what Maci told herself, everyone knew that she moved away from her hometown to be closer to Kyle. And of course, in true Teen Mom fashion, Kyle got over whelmed over the course of two episodes and booked. Brave Maci decided NOT to eat crow and stayed where she was determined to make her life.

As for Ryan and visitation.. turned out that he did wind up getting an extra day more then they originally agreed to and even though one would think ".. it's only ONE night every TWO WEEKS" .. the tears that welled up in Maci's eyes really made your heart ache for her. She loves that little boy above all else and it's a shame that every child isn't loved that way!

I haven't caught the Reunion Show yet (damn!) so that'll have to come at a later date but I have a feeling that Kyle came back to his senses!


Now THESE two have REALLY got their shit together.. I mean REALLY GOT THEIR SHIT TOGETHER.

Catelynn and Tyler are childhood sweethearts with a LONG list of dysfunction.

Tyler's dad has been in and out of jail for the majority of his son's life and Catelynn's mom, apparently, has issues that resulted in her moving her kids like fourteen times or something.

So is it even a surprise that Tyler's dad married Catelynn's mom?

They're actually a reality show all unto themselves..

Anyway.. so not wanting to bring a baby into this reality show in the making, Catelynn and Tyler decided to put their baby girl up for adoption. And to their credit, they were very open about why to their parents. Which, you know went over REAL big.

These two have been taking a lot of crap from their parents about their decision.. sometimes to the point where I wanted to slap her momma upside her head  myself. It's SO obvious to even the weekend arm chair psychiatrist that Catelynn and Tyler's parents objected so strongly because they know their kids know that they suck as parents.

At any rate, this season dealt with the adoption aftermath and even though they knew they did the right thing.. even though they have an open adoption that allows them to be included in their daughters life to some degree and even though this baby couldn't have better adoptive parents . it still hurts. There's still a void. And given that MOST teens keep their babies because they crave that unconditional love they're not getting, these two put that aside for their child.

The highlight of the season was them meeting their daughter for the first time since giving her up and let me tell you, I must have gone through a box of tissues. These two are going to be GREAT parents when they're ready.. and most importantly, they KNOW they have to be ready. As Tyler said, their daughter made them want to have goals and be successful. Catelynn wants to go into nursing and Tyler wants to be an EMT, I think. I have no worries about these two.


Farrah THINKS she has her shit together but let me tell you, this girl needs to rein it in a little. Well, a lot. You just get the feeling that she grew up thinking that she was an uber-princess and that everybody needed to fall in line behind her and when she doesn't get her way, she stomps her feet hard enough to make her tiara crooked.

Last season, Farrah came off as a spoiled brat but this season, she's only a little better. She doesn't really GET it .. not in a way that doesn't get her into an argument with her mother that lands the mother in jail. But it became evident that she was cracking under the pressure this year.. especially when opening up about the death of her baby Sophia's father.

This is the girl that HAS to have things go HER way or else she can't handle it. But it's sad because her mother IS overbearing and apparently force Farrah to make some decisions regarding her pregnancy that are questionable at best.

But it is what it is and this season found Farrah moving into her own apartment.. working.. trying to finish school and take care of Sophia. We saw her get ripped off in a car scam, get into therapy, start mending fences with her parents and reconnecting with her daughter's father's family. Yes, she needed a to get a DNA test in order for Sophia to get her father's death benefits but still..

Alot has been said about Farrah leaving Sophia outside her apartment when they were moving in and leaving her unattended in the sink during bath time but you know, let's be real. Every parent has had moments where they did something stupid and if they could do a re-wind, would do things differently. Am I excusing it? Hell no.. but I'm not going to beat her over the head about it. There are MANY things to beat her over the head with already,

Farrah is tragic. She wants everybody to think that everything is just fine when in actuality, it's crumbling around her.


Amber has NO IDEA what having your shit together means and unfortunately, her daughter Lea is suffering the fall out.

She's on film punching and kicking her baby's daddy multiple times and now the state she  lives in is investigating. From what I understand, punching and kicking the other parent in front of a child under the age of 14 gets you in SERIOUS trouble.

She's the anti-Catelynn and Tyler and wears her White Trash Sash with pride. Lea's father, Gary, is in his early 20's with a mentally of a kid but I have to give him credit.. he never once retaliated and seemed to only have Lea's best interest at heart.

Amber is the cliched 'kid raising a kid' .. her apartment is always a mess, seemingly worried more about how she looks as opposed to how her daughter looks and even moved a new boyfriend in and allowed to care for her daughter. I have to give Gary props on this one. He didn't want the new dude dressing Lea or changing her diaper and with things in the world they way they are, I'd have the same concerns.

The sad thing about Amber is that she's just continuing the cycle she grew up in and even though she says she wants to get her GED and make a better life for her daughter, I don't necessarily think she has the right support to do that.

There's been rumors that her drastic slim-down was the result of drugs and not the martial arts class she's been taking but that's neither confirmed or denied so I'm just putting it out there.

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