Sunday, January 16, 2011

Good Eats: Peanut Butter Tandy Take Cake

I'm betting most of y'all don't know what's pictured at the left, do you?

You're loss.

Pictured is the heaven that is a TastyKake Peanut Butter Tandy Take (or Kandy Kake for those that feel stupid saying Tandy Take)

You won't find these anywhere other then Philadelphia and it's surrounding areas and believe me, once you've had them, you're going to be hooked.

It's a shame that TastyKake .. after building a new multi-million dollar facility filed for bankruptcy but that's what happens when you jump up your prices.

At any rate, the other night we thought about making something for dessert. I'm not a big cake eater.. or sweet eater for that matter.. but the rest of the house would DIE without chocolate so I figured I'd be kind. Looking over the stuff I had in the house already, I discovered that I had all the makings of the Tandy Take.

Basically, I used white cake mix but added whole eggs instead of just egg whites to the recipe.

While that was baking, I used half a jar of peanut butter, some 10x sugar and butter to whip up the peanut butter filling.

Fortunately, I have a Kitchen Aid so I was able to just throw everything in the bowl and let the machine do the hard work.

You can use a hand mixer but I really wouldn't recommend trying to do it manually.

But at any rate, you want to get it to a point where the peanut filling is light, airy and spreadable.

Like a mousse, almost.

Realize too that the more air gets into the mixture the lighter in color it's going to be.

It's still going to have an awesome peanut butter flavor but I tell you that just in case you are into the concept.

Nobody cares how anything "looks" in my house.. much to the chagrin of Uber-Chef Tim .. you can basically through things in a trough and they'll eat it!

At any rate..

I put the mixture in the fridge for about 20  minutes just to firm it up a little bit. I was leery about putting a very soft filling on a maybe not so cooled down enough cake. So the little bit of chill gave the mixture enough bite to hold up to spreading.

Once the 2 9" round cakes were cool, I flipped them out of the pans and spread the peanut butter mixture .. careful to use it as a leveler so that the top tier of the cake would be level.

Ok.. so I watch too much Food Channel Network. Even though no one else would notice, I still wanted it to be nice!!

Lastly, I took a container of chocolate frosting and warmed it up in the microwave at 30 second intervals until it was soft enough to pour but not too soft that the cake would absorb it all. You'll know what I mean if you try it.

Once I poured it, I stuck the cake in the fridge to let the icing firm up a little bit and get hard.

The picture on the left is the finished product .. I wanted to take a picture of it once I had cleaned up the edges and transferred it to a cake plate but it didn't last that long..

I don't think it lasted the night, to be honest with you.

As a non-cake eating person I thought it was delicious and as close to a Tandy Take as they come.

If you make it, let me know how you did .. if you need more concise measurements well, I'm sure you can find it online. I didn't measure anything other then what the box cake mix asked for.

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