Thursday, March 10, 2011

Recap: American Idol 10: Week One

You know what sucks? Writing a post and then losing it because of a stupid Windows automatic update! Grrr!!!

Okay .. so this was the moment I've been waiting for! I was going to start posting way back during the auditions .. and then Hollywood Week but it was way too much. I may not have much of a life, but I have one! LoL!

So anyway .. in all the years of American Idol, this has got to be THE MOST talented bunch of singers that I can remember! With the exception of like, 2, all of them are my favorite!! It's going to be a brutal season, emotionally, for me I think!!

This week, the contestants sing a song by their OWN personal idol. This should be interesting!

BTW .. Im writing this "real time", so I'll be writing what I think before the judges tell theirs. If that matters any!

Ok.. on with it

Shania Twain: Any Man Of Mine

Wow.. it's hard to believe that this kid is still a teenager. I personally think she's fantastic and no matter what happens on Idol, she's going to HUGE but I think the energy was off tonight. Last week, she sang Turn On The Radio by Reba McEntire and freakin' killed it! Even though Lauren sang the song really well, it just didn't have a whole lot of other things going on.

But that's just me.. now on to the judges:

Steven: Loves her, loved the song but wished it was a little more kick ass
Jennifer: Thinks she always sounds amazing, doesn't have to try but needed to kick it up a notch
Randy: Doesn't think she still doesn't know how talented she is but wants more of what they saw in the auditions and shine.

Joe Cocker: Little Help From My Friends

I love Casey.. I think what he does just oozes out of his pores and I'm so so so stoked that he got through and while I think this was a good song for him, I don't know. I liked it.. but didn't have that goosebump moment that I was really, really hoping for. I wasn't liking the changes between the strong growly parts and the thin falsetto parts.

But that's just me.. now on to the judges:

Jennifer: Goes by what she feels, and feels that she's watching someone important.
Randy: Always excited to see him perform and that he's so unbelievable and exciting and makes listening to him fun. Loves it.
Steven: A Rainbow of talent who doesn't cease to amaze him and a plethora of passion that makes everyone feel what he's doing.

Diana Ross: When You Tell Me That You Love Me

I think Ashton is fantastic.. definitely got the goods and based on what the judges have been telling her, I wasn't surprised that she did a Diana Ross song. But THIS song? It sounded.. what's the right word? Breathy? Thin? I don't know, wasn't feeling a real rich or warm or smooth tone. She looked beautiful, though. Like I said, girlfriend got the goods!

But that's just me.. now on to the judges:

Randy: Liked it and thought she grew a little more as a singer and was conscience of where her voice was with the notes and stuff.
Steven: Agrees with Randy and thinks she has a lot more in her to show
Jennifer: Elegant and a real professional but wants to see her sing songs that everyone knows and can sing along to.

Ryan Adams: Come Pick Me Up

I've heard of Ryan Adams but don't know any of his music and based on Paul's performance, I don't think I want to. Paul is one of Tim's favorites and I like that he has an unusual voice and is on the right side of quirky but after his performance last week of Rod Stewart's Maggie May, this was a huge let down. Personally, I think he should have sang BRYAN Adamsn istead of RYAN Admas.

But that's just me.. now on to the judges:

Steven: Loves the character and rasp in his voice.. makes each song his own but next time needs to find a song with a chorus in his key and nail it
Jennifer: So unique.. something about him that moves the crowd and hopes that America "gets" him
Randy: Loves who Paul "is" .. He gets it.. hopes America gets it and thinks he's perfect for the show

Celine Dion: All By Myself

First of all, even with her hair in a ponytail and glasses Pia is stunning! Beautiful girl with a beautiful voice and beautiful inside. She's another one who's going to have something going on for her regardless of what happens on Idol. Her performance was flawless.. talk about goose bumps!! She's just amazing and sang Celine like she was singing a nursery rhyme. It was effortless. In fact, I kind of forgot that I was watching Idol! I'm sure she makes her father proud with whatever she does!

But that's just me.. on to the judges

Jennifer: Was speechless.. and almost in tears it looked like.
Randy: Always tell people not to sing Mariah, Celine and Whitney and she has the same quality and hits the notes dead on with out thinking about it. Always in awe
Steven: Just slammed it. Beautiful.

Paul McCartney: Maybe I'm Amazed

Truthfully, I was a little surprised that he was going to sing McCartney. Truthfully, I like him but to me he always pulled out that whole "range" thing that floor everyone so I my interest was peaked and guess what? He FLOORED me .. this kid can SING! The whole vocal acrobatics aside, he has a voice and I think the arragement was perfect for him. Good job! No, GREAT job!

But that's just me.. on to the judges

Randy: One his favorites, one of the voices that can sing anything. Slayed it. This dude can do anything!
Steven: Taken everything he has ever felt and kicked it into next week.
Jennifer: Has a quality that every great rock singer has, a melodic tone

Leann Rimes: Blue

Haley isn't one of my favorites.. I actually didn't think she should have been picked for the season.. and she didn't impress me at all tonight. Between the yodeling that was off.. the whole Hawaiian feel.. I don't know. It was boring. I keep thinking that there were a lot of better talent that they let slide by to let her in.

But that's just me.. on to the judges

Steven: Thought it was beautiful and did a good job
Jennifer: Thinks America is getting to know her and she does things with her voice that is diverse and is unique to her.
Randy: Likes that she has a broad range of songs that she can sing but thought this performance was sleepy and boring

R Kelly: I Believe I Can Fly

Oh Jacob. Jacob is like.. a national treasure, that's how talented I think he is and after hearing him blow out God Bless The Child and A House Is Not A Home, I assumed I'd get the same one big goosebump tonight. Sadly.. it didn't happen. I don't know if it was the producers getting into his head and telling him to do things beside what comes naturally.. but it didn't work. There was this part in the middle that was mad impressive but that was it. And that made me sad. Jacob is so much better then what I saw tonight.

But that's just me.. on to the judges

Steven: Couldn't judge it.. pure passion, pure talent.. that's how good he is
Jennifer: Can't judge him because of how good he is.. he's at the top
Randy: Has a signature sound but felt he had a rough change at the "B" verse but at the end he was unbelievable

Michael Jackson: Smile

Wow. You know, last week Thia just blew it out of the stratosphere with Irene Cara's Out There On My Own. When she began singing, it was soft.. melodic.. angelic. And then she picked up the tempo and it just kind of went downhill for me. I don't know if maybe it wasn't the right song for her but it almost sounded like it was a high school production. That made me sad too.

But that's just me.. on to the judges

Randy: Loved the intro but loved the beginning  more then the jazzy end. Her vocal with just a guitar to accompany is golden.
Steven: Little pitchy, liked the front more then the end but she's young and has a whole career in front of her
Jennifer: Obvious her strength is her voice the way she sounded in the beginning of the sound. Thinks she sounds like an angel

Stevie Wonder: Lately

Did Stefano channel Stevie or what?? Tell me you didn't think he sounded JUST like him? OMG.. it was unbelievable. I had hoped Stefano would make it to the competition and even though I'm not familiar with this song I did think he started off kind of bad but he pulled it out and in a big way. This boy has a set of lungs on him, that's for damn sure!

But that's just me.. on to the judges

Steven: Soared like a volcano
Jennifer: Had her dancing. Hard to take a ballad and make a dance re-mix but he did and made is his
Randy: Hard to sing Stevie but he slayed it and Stevie would be proud

Selena: If I Could Fall In Love

This made me sooo sad. Karen is just as great as Pia and when she sang Mariah Carey's Hero last week, the goosebumps lasted for days so I was expecting her to blow me away again and put me in the cloud listening to an angel. But it didn't happen. I don't know what happened. The arrangment was good and the think is, I don't think Selena had Karen's talent so none of her songs are going to be able to show her voice the way it should be shown. I really hope she makes it through. We'll really be missing something if she didn't.

But that's just me.. on to the judges

Jennifer: Could tell she was uncomfortable with some of the notes but she's one of their strongest girls and hopes she makes it on to next week
Randy: Felt she was fighting the song and wants excitement from her with her energy and big voice but it was sleepy for him
Steven: Knows she can sing so much better

Garth Brooks: The River

Scotty is my favorite for a lot of reasons. For one, he is just as amazing as Jacob and Pia only in a country way. He's truly a young man who was raised right and I loved that he told the great Jimmy Iovine that he wanted to be true to the song and to himself while singing it. That's a big thing for a nobody to tell Jimmy Iovine, let me tell you. But Scotty's singing is effortless. He knows who he is and what he can do and made it all seem just way too easy. He might have some challenges with the different genre's coming up but this kid has a future and he's going to be huge. I can listen to him sing all day.

But that's just me.. on to the judges

Randy: Loved that he stayed true to himself because if it ain't broke then don't even try to fix it. This is exactly where he belongs and could put it a record now
Steven: Did the Garth justice. He's riding high tonight
Jennifer: Loved that he opened up as a performer and feel the audience and embrace them in the song. Sings country spot on.

Rhianna: Umbrella

Let me say this about Naima .. she is determined to make the very most of this opportunity and is WORKING FOR IT. No matter what she sings.. or how far she gets in the competition, she knows that this is her shot and is doing everything she can to push it. I admire her so much. The girl PERFORMED .. pulling out the dance moves, throwing in some reggae.. she is doing all she can do. It's not my favorite song but she did it.. and did it well. A born performer.. she belongs on the stage. I have my fingers crossed for her.

But that's just me.. on to the judges

Steven: Crazy good.. a little pitchy but she brought flavor and a little something more then the others did
Jennifer: Got fire.. didn't care about the pitchy.. she's doing it like stars do but needs to work on the control when dancing and singing together
Randy: Does care about the pitchy but she just has to learn how to breath and LOVED the reggae

So who's going home tomorrow?

All the judges agreed that there were ups and downs and you know, it's hard to make your mark when you only have 1:40 minutes to put your best out there and piece together bits of a song to do that with. I also think that sometimes the producers hurt more then they helped. These are ameuters and don't have a lot of time to take a song that they're familiar with and change it up in such a short time. Some had success with it (James Durbin) and some didn't (Haley Reinhart) so hopefully that will rectify itself organically.

If I had to choose who went home, I'm thinking Haley.. haven't been impressed with her so far. Or maybe Paul McDonald.

We'll see tonight!

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