MTV takes the best of the best .. or worst of the worst.. teen mother's from their 16 and Pregnant series and focus' on their lives after their babies are born.
I'm actually inclined to believe that they pick the one's with the most potential for drama (Um, hello? Amber Portwood?) because what's a show without ratings and what makes good ratings?
So let's meet this seasons's moms:
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Leah with twins Aleeah and Arianna (sorry, don't know which is which in the pic) |
So Leah and Robbie break up and on the rebound, hooks up with Corey. One month later, she's pregnant with twins. Corey, bless his heart, stands rightbyherside but being young and immature Leah kept wanting to get back with Robbie.
Robbie was like TWINS? HELL NO!!
Leah finally realizes that men don't get no better then Corey and wants him back but the damage is already done and he's moved on .. kinda.. sorta..
Is anyone else disturbed that Leah only flat irons part of her hair?
Sorry.. I digress!
I'll admit that by the end of Leah's 16 and Pregnant episode I felt bad for her. There was something redeeming about her knowing that Corey really did love her.. was sticking by her and his kids.. and had some sense and maturity about her.
We already know that Leah and Corey get married :: oops! Sorry! You mean you DIDN'T know? :: and that there may be something medically wrong with one of their twins so this season, we'll get to follow their road of both relationship bliss smothered by the devastation parents feel with their child is sick.
My fingers are crossed for these two.
And not to be superficial but Corey is cuter then cute!
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Chelsea with daughter Aubree |
Out of all the moms, I thought Chelsea had the most support and normalcy at home. Her parents are divorced but they seem to be void of issues and psychotic-ness. Plus, it doesn't appear as though her friends deserted her after she had Aubree.
The baby's daddy, on the other hand, is a douche bag. He's done everything from call Chelsea a "stretch marked bitch" to calling Aubree "a mistake" .. and everything in between.
If he thought that being on the show was going to bring him opportunities or glory, he's as dumb as he looks.
While I do find that Chelsea's father is a font of wisdom "... you liked the idea of being with him" .. I certainly question his judgment of allowing his 18 year old daughter and 9 month old granddaughter moving into their own place that he's financing. But I guess the show wouldn't be a show with a functional family handling the situation in a mature way.
At any rate.. this season expect to see Chelsea's struggle living on her own (well, with a friend) and the previews of the season show that maybe Chelsea didn't learn what she needed to learn about Adam.
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Kailyn and baby Isaac I smudged out the baby's King of Douchebag father because I really, REALLY can't stomach him |
If Chelsea's family is the picture of stability, Kailyn's is the polar opposite.
I really feel for this kid .. and not because she doesn't live far from me.. I feel for her because this is a kid that really doesn't have anywhere to go and no one to help her with anything.
Except the King of the Douchebag's parents.. who absolutely have their grandson at the top of their priority list.
Kailyn's mother is more interested in her current man and every hope that this kid had that her biological father would some how step up to the plate after years of no contact were dashed on a visit where he barely did anything except get up and open the front door to her. So is it no wonder that this girl was looking for love in on the wrong places?
For as supportive as his parent's are, the King of Douchebags is anything but. He's spoiled, verbally abuse and worse.. knows that Kailyn not only has no one ELSE to go to but his parents but no WHERE to go. And believe, me exploits that at every turn.
The King of Douchebags tells Kailyn that he's done with her and when she asks where she's suppose to go, he says, ".. your mother's I guess." knowing that that isn't likely. When she told her mother that the King of Douchebags broke up with her, the mother is sympathetic but never offers to either help her or give her and the baby a place to stay.
Like I said, I feel for this kid.
This season, there's even more trouble with the King of the Douchebags and what appears to be some type of domestic violence that brings the cops to the house. Something tells me that Kailyn won't be living in that house long...
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Jenelle and baby Jace |
You know, every article I ever read about reality shows says the same thing.. you get so used to cameras being around that you don't even realize they're there anymore.
That HAS to be true because what other excuse would Jenelle have for acting the way she did in the season opener?
I mean.. really. Do you NOT know ANYTHING about Amber Portwood and her current legal issues, Janelle?
Janelle is a bitch. No two ways about it. She lives with her single mother who has some weird ass speech impediment that makes her sound goofy. Come to think of it, she may have something wrong with her hearing that makes her sound that way.
Great. Now I feel horrible for getting annoyed with her speech impediment!
Anyway.. it's obvious that her mother has lost control of Jenelle a long, long time ago because if she hadn't, she wouldn't tolerate the way her daughter speaks to her. When she got pregnant, her mother told her the partying was going to have to stop and that she wasn't going to put up with Janelle, her attitude and her partying.
Yea. Right.
So baby Jace is born and what does Janelle do? Not care for her child, that's for sure. You don't give a baby a bath.. put him to sleep and then take off for the night with your friends. But that's exactly what she's doing and that's exactly what is getting under her mother's skin.
From what's been shown so far in the opener, Janelle's mother is almost caring for the baby full time and because Janelle hasn't shown any level of maturity up until then, she has little confidence in Janelle's ability to care for her child.
Which doesn't sit well with Janelle.
There was a lot of verbal abuse and some physical abuse against the mother in the opener which concluded in her mother filing for custody of Jace.
It's obvious that this little girl lost is into more then just downing the occasional long neck.
Seems as though Janelle's anger and bravado is a little chemically fueled if you ask me.
Janelle has recently been arrested for breaking and entering into an abandoned house and for having about an ounce of weed in her possession.
Nice role model for Jace, Mama...
This season expect to see Janelle continue to act out and really need to get her ass kicked by someone who can knock some sense into her. This girl needs it.
Hopefully we won't see baby Jace starring in an episode of INMATES in 20 years!
So there you have it.. I'm not sure if I'm going to commit to doing weekly recaps or not. This isn't something I make a habit of watching but do catch up on the episodes On Demand if I'm up late enough and television is boring enough so you never know. It just may be that compelling!!
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