Saturday, October 30, 2010

Recap: Millionaire Matchmaker S4:1

Patti Stanger IS The Millionaire Matchmaker!

I don't know why I watch this show. Pure entertainment value or mindless background noise?

That's too harsh.

I mainly watch the show because of Patti Stanger.. I swiped the picture on the left of the 'net but apparently she's either had some work done.. or something.. because I remember her looking different on the show.

Anyway.. if you don't know the drivel of the show, Patti is a 3rd generation match maker with a HIGH success rate,

NOTE: I used to remember when the opening line was "99% success" rate but since the majority of the people she tried hooking up on the show didn't work out, I guess it was better not to set herself up... or maybe she just got hit with all the 1%ers.

I like Patti .. she tells it like it is and comes out with these one liners that are hysterical. She also can't be intimidated so when these mega rich people who can't survive the day without getting fawned over with palm leaves and eating peeled grapes are literally shoved off their high horse by Patti it's hysterical.

This season, the crew is in New York and the first two clients are some dude who did something with the internet and some chick who did something with the internet.


Ok... so this has nothing to do with anything but I thought it was weird that there was a 40-something year old  Italian dude from New York named Derek. No big deal.. just having my say.

Anyway so Derek is the typical 40-something man with a lot of money who wants life-size Barbie on his arm. He says he wants to settle down and have kids.. be with a girl his mother approves of (I stuck that in).. and so far he hasn't been able to find it.

Um... DUH!!

He's very much the little boy that never grew up and believe me, I know ALL about Italian men who never grew up.

Too much even!


This chick (actually, this is a VERY good picture of her) is in her mid twenties and OBVIOUSLY grew up believing she was a princess.

She grew up with money, has a baby and also has this internet thing that gives her plenty of her own bank.

NOTE: Can something like that happen to me please?

Anyway, so for some reason this chick wants to meet someone because she's SOOOOOOO pretentious.
Best line of the night was when Patti was reviewing her tape and she says that she wants someone who looks like George Clooney only Jewish. Patti busts out with "... because YOU'RE so good looking SNOZOLA!"

So the way this happens is that Patti holds a "mixer" and the her clients pick two people they might want to date. Then they meet with those picks for a few minutes and then choose their main date.

Patti tells Derek that he has to make a list of deal breakers. As she said, "... if you want kids and she doesn't want kids, you close the penis off, put it back in it's zippered pocket and get the fuck out of dodge".

She tells Bryce that she needs to take the stick out of her ass and lighten up and let loose. Personally, I don't think it's a stick that's put this chick's ass.

So the mixer happens and Derek picks a hot, young stripper girl named Colby instead of Patti's fave Kristin who is really everything that Derek says he wants.

Bryce isn't hitting it off with anyone and when pressed by Patti, she tells her that Patti is the expert and if she knows so much that SHE should pick. Pattie tells her that she's not in her vagina and to hit the pavement but of course, she doesn't and Patti introduces her to Keith, a teacher and some other dude who's a comedian. I don't think Bryce said three words the whole night but ultimately Patti forces her to do the mini-dates and in the end she reluctantly picks Keith for the main date.

To his credit, Keith tried SO HARD to make the date work. SO HARD that I think he's going to be a little embarrassed to know that Bryce didn't actually pick him. He took her on a boat ride in the afternoon and then set up dinner inside a the museum where Carrie and Mr. Big were suppose to get married in the Sex and the City movie. Again, no talking. It was brutal to watch.

On the flip side, Derek showered Colby with gifts and dresses and jewelery because you know, nightclub hostess (cough cough) are very, very impressed with men almost 20 years older who buys them stuff on their first date. And of course, at the end of the night she was all amped to go out partying and dancing and Derek was ready for a warm glass of milk and a snuggie.

Derek realized that Patti was and he was wrong but he never did contact Kristin .. a woman who he probably would have had married and knocked up by now and Bryce.. well.. Bryce is still trying to learn to sit up straight without having the stick tear her sphincter!

I have episode 2 on DVR so I'm going to watch it now and will give you a recap shortly

Friday, October 29, 2010

Recap: Project Runway S8:14 (aka Finale Part 2)

I'll cut you, bitches

I think I'm still throwing up in my mouth after watching part 2 of Project Runway's Season Finale.

As you can probably guess, Gretchen won. Mondo lost and poor Andy never really had a chance.

The guest judge was Jessica Simpson and um.. excuse me but.. like.. doesn't she ALWAYS pop up on WORST dress lists? I mean WFT! What the hell was she doing there except maybe nailing the last nail in Mondo's coffin because she wanted him to take the top honors.

At any rate .. the show opens with a mini-reunion of all the designers. The segment was useless. I mean, at least on Survivor, everyone gets a chance to be acknowledged. Not so much here. I've forgotten who half the designers were and that did nothing to make me remember them.

There was the whole "road to the end" featuring the work of the three finalists and then some bantering about how Gretchen comes off like a bitch and how she felt that strong, confident woman are always thought of that way (there's that vomit in the mouth again!) and  half the designers thought it was how she represented because of the show and the other half was like, Nope.. she's a bitch.

Thankfully the segment didn't last that long.

The designers go back to the workshop to do their finishing touches.. Tim Gunn arrives and is worried about one of Andy's pieces looking like hair growing out of a vagina.. worried about Mondo and his bubble dress.. not so worried about Gretchen because he feels she got her shit together enough to ".. make it work!"

Three of Mondo's models didn't show up for their fittings so he's spazzing a little but there really isn't time to spaz because the show goes on in a few hours and THIS. IS. IT.

Poor Mondo, though. It was obvious that he was overwhelmed. Most of the time he had the "deer in head light" look.

Andy had made a last second pair of pants that it seemed half of the crew was working on and that ultimately, he scrapped.

Guess Tim was right about Gretchen because she seems as cool as the cucumber that's stuck up her bum.

Ok. So that was uncalled for. Sorta.

Andy's line showed first .. and I honestly liked it. I'd buy every piece if I was a sample size!! His colors were centered around a silvery grey and a beautiful shade of green. He opted to still use the head pieces .. which I was glad for because I personally thought they were awesome even if the judges didn't. The only thing he didn't have were dresses that were longer then thigh length and a gown or two. But still.. I liked it. And while the judges had a few good things to say about Andy and his line, we weren't on the same page and they cut him quickly.

Gretchen showed next and why she thought that wearing a damn bathing suit with a sheer skirt would be something ANYBODY wanted to see is beyond me but maybe it's just because I don't like her. She did listen to the judges though and her line was transformed into something more sleek and sophisticated because of the styling and accessories. I still don't like her clothes but even I could see that the collection LOOKED different and felt different. Both Michael Kors and Nina Garcia were so damn GAGA over it that you would think it was the first time both of them orgasmed over a women. They both felt she had her pulse on what's NOW and were fashion is heading.

I think they both smoked a little too much out of the Hooka.

Mondo's collection was a little bit of a disappointment for me.. there were two pieces that I really didn't understand ( an over-sized t-shirt with a Mexcian skull beaded on it and a tunic dress in black, aqua and pink ) but those are the pieces the judges all mutually applauded. Go figure. His collection was very Mondo but I think Nina and Michael were a little peeved that he didn't listen to their suggestions last week and either omit the bubble dress or alter it to make it less "custom-y". In his defense, it's Mondo's call  and not everybody is going to like everything. He went with his gut and it may have cost him the title.

At deliberation, Michael and Nina were Team Gretchen while Heidi and Jessica were Totally Team Mondo, It was funny to see them literally arguing and it was good to see Heidi attempting to hold her ground and calling them out for praising Mondo the whole season for what he designed and then condemning the designs at Fashion Week. I thought Nina was going to blow an extension or two!

In the end, I guess Heidi caved because WE KNOW WHO won but in thinking about it while I was writing this post, I actually think Mondo and Andy got the better deal. The pressure in on Gretchen now. Whether it's from other's or herself. She's the winner and she needs to produce. Andy and Mondo have had the exposure but can continue their career on their own terms.

Maybe the grass isn't always greener,

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Review: The Human Centipede




You know how someone tells you that you should watch something and you're all like, ".. yea, cool, I'll have to check it out."

But then someone ELSE immediately responds and says OMG!! DO NOT WATCH IT!!

And then you're all like OMG! I HAVE TO WATCH IT NOW.


So the next time that happens to you? RESIST THE URGE! Trust on that one.

Because that's exactly what happened when someone told me to check this movie out and then someone else told me not to because there are things that cannot be "unseen" ... no truer words have been spoken.

I have never seen anything so sick.. or depraved.. or stomach turning.. or so.. so.. so.. omg.. it's just sick.

If you haven't guessed already, this movie is about a doctor who decides to create a human centipede. Think ass to mouth here, not just adding arms or legs to one person. So you have the obligatory young American females trolloping through Germany by themselves.. and yknow.. of course they get lost at night in dense German woods and get a flat tire. There's also a Japanese guy that came from who knows where.. and they all finds themselves down the basement of this doctor's house getting their shit cut up to be all sewn together.

There's a lot of awfully sick shit in here.. literally and figuratively .. so honestly, I'm not going to tell you to watch it,, not going to tell you not to..

I'm only going to say that I warned you!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Review: My Soul To Take

Oh. Em. GEE!!

Sometimes the best movies are the ones that you wouldn't give a second thought to.

This is one of them and if you haven't seen it already then I suggest you go see it NOW.

Where Paranormal Activity 2 took a little over an hour to finally show something quasi-interesting, the first five minutes of My Soul To Take has enough going on to create another handful of movies.

The premise is basic horror / slasher movie fare .. a schizo serial killer goes on a rampage and is believed to be dead after a fiery ambulance accident. Just so happens that seven babies are born at the exact time he has supposedly died.

You knew there had to be a hook, right? There's always a hook.

Now, 16 years later those seven are starting to find themselves on the wrong end of a knife.

Did the killer really die? Did his evil soul implant itself into one of the babies?

You'll have to watch it for yourself because this movie is filled to the gills with SO many W!T!F!!!! moments that I really don't want to give anything away.

I will say that if you enjoy the Freddie's and the Michael Myers .. you will LOVE this one. Sometimes saying that a Slasher movie is intelligent sounds like an oxymoron but not so in this case. Definitely worth the price of the ticket .. large popcorn .. AND hot dog!!

Definitely an all digit thumbs up!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Review: Paranormal Activity 2

Oh brother.

Where do I begin?

Y'know.. I wasn't a big fan of the first Paranormal Activity. It was a semi-cool premise but I remember thinking at the time that the writer focused on the wrong things and went completely absurd with the whole finding of an exorcism gone bad vlog.

When I saw the trailer for PA2, I figured.. yknow.., that the whole thing with the baby and the dog might.. MIGHT.. have a little promise and maybe.. MAYBE.. the writer would have learned his lesson from the first one and really make an exceptional mind flipping film.

No.,. it's not street drugs I'm smoking.

The movie is only 78 minutes long. By the 60 minute mark, I was ready to dump the popcorn and be on my way because I've never sat through something SO BORING in my life. It was almost painful. The climax happens in the last five minutes and is viewed through what is suppose to be a night vision video camera. Couldn't tell you what the hell happened because nothing made sense.

A few things that could have been interesting but really didn't bridge the gap with anything stronger then Tarzan vines are the facts that this movie is suppose to have been filmed two months prior to the first one .. Micah and Katie make an appearance and his visit is what is suppose to have started his love affair with video taping everything.

Katie is the sister of the movies baby's mama and remember in the first one where Katie supposedly has had a demon following her for all her life? Well.. wouldn't you think that when starts to go hokey she wouldn't be so dismissive of it?

Another weird thing that tried to tie the two movies together is the photo o the little dead relative girl. The one that supposedly burned in a fire? Yea. well.. it shows up here with the same damn line and somewhere at the end someone burns it. Why? Have no idea. Doesn't make sense.

The other randomly bizarre made no sense at all moment happened at the very end. I'm not going to give it away but words flashed up on the screen saying so and so haven't been seen.. but we did see so and so and know where so and so was and know what happened to so and so ... stupid.

Personally, I wouldn't waste my time or money to see this. Well.. unless it was a date and someone else way paying I guess would be ok. But seriously, I wouldn't even through a dollar in Red Box to rent it. Catch it when it comes on a free cable movie channel or something like that 'cause this is really two thumbs AND two toes down

Monday, October 25, 2010

Recap: Teen Mom Season 2

Who would have thought that MTV's 16 and Pregnant would have been so successful that they created a spin off, Teen Mom.

Who would have thought that THAT would have been so successful that they filmed a second season?

Possibly a third but the jury is still out on it.. I've heard yes.. I've heard no.. but considering that there is at least 1 baby out there in desperate need of proper care, then I can't imagine the mom's not wanting the bank from MTV.

At any rate, this is one of those shows that you can't help but watch. Young girls should watch it to take the romance out of having a baby .. young boys should watch it to educate them that a rubber is ALOT cheaper then a baby.. and people my age watch it because it's almost like a train wreck.


Maci is probably the only mom that has her shit together. Her son, Bentley, couldn't be more adorable.. couldn't be more loved.. couldn't have a mom that is taking her job seriously and knows that her decisions are about HIM .. not HER.

Bentley's father, Ryan, is your typical teen age father. Although once engaged, Ryan continued being the typical teen age father and hung out with his friends, went to clubs, etc. Macy broke the engagement and after a serious merry go round of make-up / break-up Maci finally moved on. This season found her in transition.

Living with her parents but feeling at times that they were a little TOO involved.. reconnecting with a childhood friend (Kyle) that formed into more then just a friendship, Maci decided to make a bold move and relocated two hours away from her hometown.

Of course, Ryan wasn't thrilled with that and with prompting from his girlfriend and parents, petitioned for a formal visitation schedule. Maci took that as a slap in the face and I don't blame her. Here's a kid who never wanted to be bothered and now, all of a sudden, he wants to be Father Of The Year?

As Maci said, ".. I want to keep you away from him but I can't keep him away from  you". See? Girlfriend got her shit together.

Regardless of what Maci told herself, everyone knew that she moved away from her hometown to be closer to Kyle. And of course, in true Teen Mom fashion, Kyle got over whelmed over the course of two episodes and booked. Brave Maci decided NOT to eat crow and stayed where she was determined to make her life.

As for Ryan and visitation.. turned out that he did wind up getting an extra day more then they originally agreed to and even though one would think ".. it's only ONE night every TWO WEEKS" .. the tears that welled up in Maci's eyes really made your heart ache for her. She loves that little boy above all else and it's a shame that every child isn't loved that way!

I haven't caught the Reunion Show yet (damn!) so that'll have to come at a later date but I have a feeling that Kyle came back to his senses!


Now THESE two have REALLY got their shit together.. I mean REALLY GOT THEIR SHIT TOGETHER.

Catelynn and Tyler are childhood sweethearts with a LONG list of dysfunction.

Tyler's dad has been in and out of jail for the majority of his son's life and Catelynn's mom, apparently, has issues that resulted in her moving her kids like fourteen times or something.

So is it even a surprise that Tyler's dad married Catelynn's mom?

They're actually a reality show all unto themselves..

Anyway.. so not wanting to bring a baby into this reality show in the making, Catelynn and Tyler decided to put their baby girl up for adoption. And to their credit, they were very open about why to their parents. Which, you know went over REAL big.

These two have been taking a lot of crap from their parents about their decision.. sometimes to the point where I wanted to slap her momma upside her head  myself. It's SO obvious to even the weekend arm chair psychiatrist that Catelynn and Tyler's parents objected so strongly because they know their kids know that they suck as parents.

At any rate, this season dealt with the adoption aftermath and even though they knew they did the right thing.. even though they have an open adoption that allows them to be included in their daughters life to some degree and even though this baby couldn't have better adoptive parents . it still hurts. There's still a void. And given that MOST teens keep their babies because they crave that unconditional love they're not getting, these two put that aside for their child.

The highlight of the season was them meeting their daughter for the first time since giving her up and let me tell you, I must have gone through a box of tissues. These two are going to be GREAT parents when they're ready.. and most importantly, they KNOW they have to be ready. As Tyler said, their daughter made them want to have goals and be successful. Catelynn wants to go into nursing and Tyler wants to be an EMT, I think. I have no worries about these two.


Farrah THINKS she has her shit together but let me tell you, this girl needs to rein it in a little. Well, a lot. You just get the feeling that she grew up thinking that she was an uber-princess and that everybody needed to fall in line behind her and when she doesn't get her way, she stomps her feet hard enough to make her tiara crooked.

Last season, Farrah came off as a spoiled brat but this season, she's only a little better. She doesn't really GET it .. not in a way that doesn't get her into an argument with her mother that lands the mother in jail. But it became evident that she was cracking under the pressure this year.. especially when opening up about the death of her baby Sophia's father.

This is the girl that HAS to have things go HER way or else she can't handle it. But it's sad because her mother IS overbearing and apparently force Farrah to make some decisions regarding her pregnancy that are questionable at best.

But it is what it is and this season found Farrah moving into her own apartment.. working.. trying to finish school and take care of Sophia. We saw her get ripped off in a car scam, get into therapy, start mending fences with her parents and reconnecting with her daughter's father's family. Yes, she needed a to get a DNA test in order for Sophia to get her father's death benefits but still..

Alot has been said about Farrah leaving Sophia outside her apartment when they were moving in and leaving her unattended in the sink during bath time but you know, let's be real. Every parent has had moments where they did something stupid and if they could do a re-wind, would do things differently. Am I excusing it? Hell no.. but I'm not going to beat her over the head about it. There are MANY things to beat her over the head with already,

Farrah is tragic. She wants everybody to think that everything is just fine when in actuality, it's crumbling around her.


Amber has NO IDEA what having your shit together means and unfortunately, her daughter Lea is suffering the fall out.

She's on film punching and kicking her baby's daddy multiple times and now the state she  lives in is investigating. From what I understand, punching and kicking the other parent in front of a child under the age of 14 gets you in SERIOUS trouble.

She's the anti-Catelynn and Tyler and wears her White Trash Sash with pride. Lea's father, Gary, is in his early 20's with a mentally of a kid but I have to give him credit.. he never once retaliated and seemed to only have Lea's best interest at heart.

Amber is the cliched 'kid raising a kid' .. her apartment is always a mess, seemingly worried more about how she looks as opposed to how her daughter looks and even moved a new boyfriend in and allowed to care for her daughter. I have to give Gary props on this one. He didn't want the new dude dressing Lea or changing her diaper and with things in the world they way they are, I'd have the same concerns.

The sad thing about Amber is that she's just continuing the cycle she grew up in and even though she says she wants to get her GED and make a better life for her daughter, I don't necessarily think she has the right support to do that.

There's been rumors that her drastic slim-down was the result of drugs and not the martial arts class she's been taking but that's neither confirmed or denied so I'm just putting it out there.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Recap: Project Runway S8:13 (aka Finale Part 1)

So here we go..

Michael C, Mondo, Andy and Gretchen are getting really really itchy for Fashion Week.

I'm going to say now that Mondo should win and Gretchen should meet a firey death.

At the onset, Heidi welcomes the final four and each get nine grand and six weeks to make a ten piece collection.

Tim does his mushy Tim stuff and then they all head home to start their collection.

Did I mention that Gretchen should meet a firey death?

Tim heads to Hawaii to meet up with Andy and we find out that Andy's family immigrated from Laos and he has a "different" kind of childhood.. working on a farm growing up, raising catfish.. basically doing what needs to be done to help his family survive.

Tim's reaction to the catfish was hysterical but the fact that Andy and his family live in an actual wood shanty was kind of sad. And even thought I always liked Andy's work, it made me want him to win. A little.  Especially when he was getting emotional about not wanted to go back to "the farm".

His Loas inspired designed certainly are a tip of the hat to his heritage but .. ehh.. I dunno. He didn't have any pieces made because he had been waiting for his material to be delivered. Now he has two weeks to sew sew sew.

Michael C has always been my favorite because he was the underdog and all the mean kids picked on him... dismissed him.. didn't think he had any talent or could sew.

I have to tell you that I LOVED the feather skirted dress he first showed Tim.

He does need to edit and I think Michael is like a create-create-create machine but needs to learn how to make one fantastic piece instead of 6 almost fantastic pieces.

What really got me teary though was when Michael's partner Richard said that Michael's parents were never supportive of him until he made Project Runway. Michael  said that he knew his parents wanted the best for him.. but on their terms. They obviously did not approve of his sexuality and given he has a son, I'm assuming he tried to be what they wanted  him to be. So very sad and it makes so much sense now why being accepted by the other designers was important to him. At any rate, his son Giovanni has a great role model.

Mondo's house is just as colorful as his designs are. Living in, as he stated, the VERY Mexican section of Denver.. his inspiration is a cross between an old Mexican circus and the Day of the Dead. His collection is more muted then what he's shown before but it did impress me. Dinner with his family wasn't really that enlightening.. his Mexican Catholic parents tried to "macho" their son by forcing him to play baseball in exchange for playing the piano but given  Mondo recently came out as being HIV+ on the show, it wasn't known during the filming at his house.

Maybe Mondo's parents need to call Michael C's parents and educate them a little.

At any rate.. I always liked Mondo and was looking forward to seeing his pieces. He didn't disappoint.. but did surprise.

This should be good!

Gretchen, Gretchen, Gretchen,.. omg, I just can't stomache her.

She was whining that she came back to Portland to a failed relationship, an empty bank account, an empty house and so in the middle of designing her collection she had to move and whined about what ever else she whined about. I tuned her out.

Sorry, but if you weren't such a high on the hog bitch during the regular season I might have more sympathy for her. There was a moment with her and Tim (who I seriously think she has a "daddy" complex about) where he told her that he had a devastating break up but that's what made him move to New York.

I love Tim. Mucho respect for him.

Her collection is rural inspired but I've never been a fan even though the judges went ga ga over her. I got a little giddy when Tim said her stuff looked "customy" ..

So it's back to New York they go and damn.. there's Tim with the dreaded velvet bag.

But surprise! It's a gift vacation for each of them provided by the Hilton.

Um.. so big deal. Funny that Andy got the HAWAIIAN vacation since he LIVES in Hawaii. Can we say, oversight?

Back to the work room they go and three looks have to be presented to the judges in order to determine the final three. The hitch is that two existing pieces are to be shown and they have two days to create a third piece. They grown, but come on. Project Runway has been on for 8 seasons and this ALWAYS happens. Every season.

So sew, sew, sew they do and at the end of day one, Mondo is having issues with his piece and feels that he wasted a day's worth of work. Personally, I think he did to. Brown striped jersey with hot pink sides is not really on my wish list. But then again, these size 16 hips needs to stay far far away from jersey AND stripes!

Day two and Mondo really needs to trim his arm pit hair if he's going to wear a tank top.

Michael is confused about what he's going to show and it goes back to him being a creating machine and not being focused on the amazing. Tim feels good about Gretchen and that makes me what stick a finger down my throat. Mondo did scrap the dress and made a skirt and top which was.. um.. okay. But Andy's piece? OMFG!! I loved.. loved.. loved the pleated dress he created.

The day of the runway show arrives and Michael is crashing because he can't decide what looks he wants to show. He's floundering because he's questioning his confidence. But the models come in and it's the flurry of hair, make up and last minute stiches and finally runway arrives.

Heid and the crew sit, watch, grimmace, smile and look confused.

The judges have mixed feeling about what Mondo presented. Heidi liked one piece, Michael Kors another, Nina Garcia something else.

For Andy, Michael Kors and Heidi both loved the same dress I did but Nina was concerned that there wasn't enough of a range because everything was short and bare.

Michael C didn't fare any better. The judges liked one thing or another and Nina wasn't thrilled with his monotone color palette.

Nina had THE BEST line when commenting on Gretchen's presentation... it looks like crunch granola! They felt her collection didn't look expensive.. was too "hippie-ish".. and didn't really qualify for the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week.

Totally agree but I think Gretchen should meet a firey death anyway and can't for the life of me figure out how she made it this far to begin with..

The judges were perplexed on why each designer didn't show more of a variety of their line and I guess I see the designers point.. wanting to try to hold things back to pique the interest but the opposite happened. They feel Gretchen wasn't dramatic enough for the runway .. Granola Deluxe as Kors said. Mondo is the opposite of Gretchen.. too over the top and Nina is afraid he won't be taken seriously. Michael thinks it looks like a crazy polynesian party where they stuffed all kinds of things in their hair. He's worried that the cirus is coming to town. Heidi thinks that Michael is a great draper and a fine designer but like Nina said, his confidence is waning. Beads, feathers and satin doesn't make a show. All three agree that Andy has grown during the season but feel he's "ify"..

So who's going to Fashion Week and who's AUF? Thank God I DVR'd the show and was able to fast foward through the commercial's because I think I would have smoked a hundred cigarettes in anticipation!

Mondo's IN!!
Gretchen's IN!! (how? how? how? omg!! how?)
Andy's IN!

Poor Michael. I can't understand why Michael is out and Gretchen is in..

I thought there was going to be a last minute suprise... and four designers would be going because there is no way in HELL that Gretchen would go and Michael wouldn't but no. He's out. His breakdown was so emotional and so raw. It was painful to watch.

One more week to go... Go Team Mondo!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Review: Case 39

Sorry.. but there's nothing like a scary movie and by "scary", I don't mean slasher films or horror movies or Michael Moore movies.

Ok.. so I had to throw that in. Sue me.

I'm talking about movies that make the hair stand up on the back of your neck.. hands over your eyes, peeking through your fingers.. The kind of movie that makes you turn on every light in the house when you need to go to the bathroom even though there are four other people, two bark-at-a-leaf dogs, two cats and a whole lot of fish in the house with you.

Before FX became the general method of fright, movie makers used light, shadow and camera angles to put the scare in ya.

Case 39 isn't THAT old school, but it's old school enough to leave an impression.
Renee Zellweger plays a social services case worker who is issued the title's Case 39, a file regarding a tween girl who is suspected of being abused. She takes the case, interviews the parents and leaves with a gut feeling that something just isn't right.

Her attempts to convince her boss and a detective friend that the girl is in danger fall on deaf ears until one night when the girl calls her pleading for help.

In one of THE MOST DISTURBING clips of film I have ever scene in my life, you realize that this movie is going to put both The Exorcist AND The Omen to shame.

I'm not going to go further with the plot because this is a movie that you have to see for yourselves.

Bradley Cooper supports as a child psychologist with romantic interests in Zellweger's character :: worth noting that the two are a couple in real life .. or do you live under a rock? :: and Ian McShane appears as the detective friend.

Jodelle Ferland plays Lilith, the girl at the center of the movie and believe me, she's going to be someone to keep a tag on if she doesn't fall into the Lindsay Lohen mode of child actresses.

Go to the movies to see this one.. hell, spring for a large bucket of popcorn. It's definitely worth it.

Two big thumbs up.
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